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Chef's Kitchen


Below is a training plan for a virtual onboarding experience. To learn about the details of the plan, please select the play button next to each section title.

Welcome to Aimee's Place!

00:00 / 00:45

Aimee's Place is a new restaurant in town, looking to hire a team of servers. Welcome to Aimee's Place! is the name of the virtual onboarding training that all new servers must complete before starting their first shift. The training will be a combination of a zoom meeting and interactions that must be completed individually by each member of the service staff. Around 10 participants are expected to attend the first wave of onboarding. The average age of the participants is 26. All are high school graduates. Some have college experience. About half of the participants have worked other positions in the hospitality industry, while half are brand new to hospitality. To the hiring manager's knowledge, none of the participants know each other.

Training Plan

00:00 / 01:43

9 AM - 9:15 AM
Welcome & Icebreaker

9:15 AM - 9:35 AM
How to be Successful

9:35 AM - 10:00 AM
Basic Job Components:
an inside look

The first part of the training will take place over zoom. After a brief welcome message, the trainer will open up a whiteboard in zoom and ask servers-in-training to draw their current mood in the form of a dessert. Some examples may be provided:

  • A piece of cake for those who are feeling like celebrating their new job.

  • A slice or warm apple pie for those who are feeling warm and homey.

  • A bowl of bread pudding for those who are feeling fully saturated (with information).

  • An ice cream sandwich for those who are feeling like their being pressed between hard objects.

After a couple minutes of drawing on the whiteboard, each individual will then be called on to introduce themselves and to explain their drawing. This will help everyone learn each other's name, provide some time for fun interaction, and also allow the trainer to get a gauge on where each of their learners is at that day (and be able to make adjustments to the lesson accordingly).

Servers will be introduced to the company and its culture through a slide
show presentation.

Servers will learn basic expectations around:

  • history, mission, brand

  • restaurant and team policies

  • scheduling

  • time tracking and attendance

  • breaks

  • dress code and hygiene

  • safety

In this section of the training, servers will work through an online interaction that familiarizes them with the basic components of their job, as it relates to working at Aimee's Place. Servers will have an opportunity to study the menu and practice the following skills:

  • taking customers orders

  • getting drinks from the bar

  • expediting food in the kitchen

  • ringing up a check

Training Assets

00:00 / 01:41
How To Be Successful Presentation

Select PLAY to see the virtual slides that would be used in the onboarding presentation.

Online Interaction

Select the image below to view the online interaction

Aimee's Place SL Thumbnail.png

The Constructivism Approach


Constructivism is an important learning theory based on the idea that learners actively construct knowledge and that reality is determined by experiences. Essentially, learners use prior knowledge as a foundation and build on it with new things. 


While it is not the only learning theory that is employed in the development of this onboarding experience, it is at the forefront.


According to Western Governors University's blog (2020), there are many elements and principles that shape the way the theory works. Below is a discussion of these principles and how they tie into this training.


1) Knowledge is constructed. 

Because knowledge is built upon other knowledge, it is important in constructivism to call upon prior knowledge. For example, in the deck of slides, there is an activity that asks learners to name their values and how they came to be important. This puts the emphasis on the student's interests and then that is built upon. The training then goes on to present the values of Aimee's Place. By understanding what's important and why in ones own life, learners can then understand how Aimee's Place came to establish its values.


2) People learn to learn, as they learn.

As learners are presented with the presentation slides, they are learning about listening and how that will help them in their role. As they work through the online interaction, they are simultaneously honing their computer skills which will help them when they use the computer cash register system.


3) Learning is an active process.

Part of the training involves a presentation, but there is conversation intentionally scattered throughout the presentation to engage learners. They are also asked to reference other materials, which also requires different sensory inputs that help construct meaning.


4) Learning is a social activity.

While this is a virtual onboarding, participants spend some time in zoom, conversing with other students (sharing about themselves and their values). In their first week on the job, they also have an opportunity to work alongside other people, first as a shadow, then a helper, then a leader. In all these ways, learners have an impact on each other's learning. Conversations, interactions, and applications help the learners retain new knowledge. 


5) Learning is contextual.

In the online interaction, students don't learn isolated facts separate from the rest of their job. Learners are not asked to memorize a seating chart of the restaurant and not told how they will use that knowledge. Instead, learning is connected. For example, learners practice making sure a plate has all the fixings that it needs, then how to match that food item to a ticket, and once the ticket is complete, how to deliver it to the table it belongs to. 


6) Motivation is key to learning. Having different types of activities (a social ice breaker, a presentation, discussions, an online interaction, etc. activates learners minds and helps them be excited about what they are learning.

00:00 / 04:41

Training Evaluation

Below, you will find a training evaluation plan that targets the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Model

Level 1: Reaction

To gauge participants' reaction to the training, I would have them fill out a training evaluation form. Select the button below to see an example.

Level 2: Learning

To gauge participants' learning, I would have them take a self assessment of their knowledge before and after the training session. Select the button below to see an example of the pre-assessment. In the post-assessment (same form), I would look to see where there are changes (up or down), and ask further questions of the learner, if needed to clarify information.

Level 3: Behavior

To gauge whether servers are using their new skills and knowledge, I would have the Manager complete a 7 and 21-day documented observation of each server and have them discuss the results. This could also be a chance for goal setting.

Level 4: Results

Customers will be provided with a tablet at their table to complete a survey about their experience. Select the button below to see an example.

Overall Training Evaluation Results

It is important to take all elements of Kirkpatrick's Model into account, and that is why this training assessment is multi-faceted. Based on the results provided in the forms above, I would make a couple of changes:


Based on the learner's reactions to the training, I would:

  1. Clarify the instructions that I provide, making sure that learners understand the flow of training (what is taking place online, what they must complete on their own, etc.). Perhaps consider providing learners with an outline of the training experience and taking time to explain it up front.

  2. Consider how much content I am fitting into the allotted time frame. In the case of this training, I would consider adding additional time to allow for more in depth discussions and time with the interaction activity.


Based on the learner's reported learning, I would make sure that I define concepts clearly in the training, as it appears that learner's have limited knowledge coming into the training. I would also compare the pre-assessment to the post-assessment to see where the learner feels they grew, and what areas may need more time.


Behavior, as reported by the Manager, suggested that the employee in questions needs more support when it comes to expediting items in the kitchen. I would want to take a look at that part of the interaction to ensure it meets learners needs. This might be one area where I offer more opportunities for practice. It was also made known that the server has not accessed the policies manual (as evidenced by her failure to wear black pants to work). When addressed, the server reported that she did not have reliable internet access at home and therefore was unable to reference the manual. As a part of training, I would ensure that all employees who wanted access to a hard copy of the manual had it available to them.


Based on the customer's reactions, results backed up information that had already been made known. Customers reported that there was room for growth in the way the server was dressed and that food, while delicious, appeared to take a while to be served. This again points back to the need to reassess the expediting portion of the training and include more opportunities for practice in that area.

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